By Oscar Dorr, Charlotte Sun-Herald Newspaper. Reprinted with permission. Probably one of the more unpopular responsibilities of the average citizen is the payment of taxes. Even though we may realize the importance of taxes to support our county government and its services to the public, many of us gripe and complain. A good portion of the local tax revenue in Florida is … Keep reading... about What citizens need to know about the Charlotte County Property Appraiser’s Office
General Interest
Charlotte improves its math scores
By BARRY MILLMAN STAFF WRITER, Charlotte Sun-Herald Newspaper. Reprinted with permission. Whether you recall Newton’s Third Law or you don’t, its simple, immutable formula is probably still etched into your brain somewhere, a gift from some caring but long-forgotten high school science teacher: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When Hurricane … Keep reading... about Charlotte improves its math scores
Teaching all kids to read
By BARRY MILLMAN STAFF WRITER, Charlotte Sun-Herald Newspaper. Reprinted with permission. The good news just keeps on coming for Charlotte County Schools. Just two days after learning the district was among an elite handful to maintain an overall “A” grade for four consecutive years, state leaders announced Friday that Charlotte educators were among Florida’s best at … Keep reading... about Teaching all kids to read
Charlotte County schools score top grades
Residents proud of Charlotte County schools By BARRY MILLMAN STAFF WRITER, Charlotte Sun-Herald Newspaper. Reprinted with permission. For the fourth year in a row, the Charlotte County school district has brought home a report card that would make any parent proud. When the Florida Department of Education announced its annual grades for the state’s 67 county school … Keep reading... about Charlotte County schools score top grades
What you need to know about the Office of the County Tax Collector
By Oscar Door, Charlotte Sun-Herald Newspaper. Reprinted with permission. Vickie Potts, merely because of the elected position she holds as Tax Collector, may have an undeserved, unpopular reputation among county taxpayers when a tax notice is received. Actually, Potts is a lovely lady of considerable personal charm, who has nothing to do with the taxes you pay except to … Keep reading... about What you need to know about the Office of the County Tax Collector