We’ve all heard that good things come to those who wait, but if your house has been on the market for a while, you might wonder if there’s anything you can do to accelerate the sale.
As of August 2024, it took about 26 days for the typical home to go from listing to contract in the U.S., according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). If your home has been on the market for considerably longer than that without securing a buyer, you might ask yourself, “Why won’t my house sell?” The answer to that question could involve a range of factors, from local real estate market conditions to your agent’s skill level and workload.
If your house won’t sell, here are some potential reasons why it’s still on the market and what you can do to accelerate the process.
1. It’s a buyer’s market.
Real estate markets tend to fluctuate between favoring buyers versus sellers due to economic circumstances and local real estate factors, according to Rocket Homes. It’s best to hold out until your local market favors sellers, if possible. However, if you can’t delay the sale, you should expect fewer interested buyers and be prepared to potentially lower your price.
2. The price is too steep.
Even if you’re in a seller’s market, asking for too much can repel prospective purchasers. Decreasing the price tag can speed up the sale of your house, according to U.S. News & World Report. It helps to evaluate comparable properties in your area to determine a reasonable amount, in addition to considering your home’s condition.
For more information on calculating an ideal price, please refer to this blog entry: “How to Conduct a Comparative Real Estate Market Analysis: 4 Key Considerations.”
3. Your house could use decluttering.
We recommend cleaning thoroughly and clearing any clutter to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Sort out your junk drawer and recycle any old magazines or newspapers. It can also help to get rid of or relocate items stored in closets to show off the full extent of the space – and don’t forget to toss or sell anything you don’t need in the garage.
In addition to eliminating clutter, you can increase the aesthetic appeal of your home with upgrades and renovations, according to Trulia. For example, new door handles, faucets and ceiling fans could help convince would-be buyers that the house is worth the price.
4. The house doesn’t make a great first impression.
A lack of “curb appeal” can drive buyers away before they even set foot inside, according to Rocket Homes. When people show up to tour your home, you want to “wow” them right away. Some strategies to ensure your house knocks their socks off include lawn care and landscaping, painting the front door, purchasing a new welcome mat, and making sure the porch and entranceway are clean and clear of clutter.
5. Your real estate agent is overworked or lacks experience.
If marketplace conditions are favorable, the price is right, and your house is in excellent condition, the problem could be your real estate agent. Maybe they lack experience or have too many clients and haven’t had the time to launch the marketing campaign your property deserves. Switching to a new agent might jumpstart the sale, according to U.S. News & World Report. Online visibility matters, so you want an agent on your side who will properly promote your house via an online listing and social channels.
Note: Review the contract you signed with the first agent before switching to see if you’re obligated to work with them for a specific duration or if you will owe any fees for terminating the relationship.
If you want expert assistance from an experienced real estate agent to sell your Florida home, Avalon Suncoast is here to help. Our team can determine your home’s true market value, research recent sales stats, offer guidance on preparing your house for sale, and more.
Connect with us today by calling 941-235-7474 or emailing sales@avalonsuncoast.com.