
USF Creativity Weekend

USF Creativity Weekend

The 10th Annual Florida Creativity Weekend, a joint effort of The University of South Florida, the Florida Creativity Coalition and Florida Studio Theatre, is scheduled for March 1 through 3.

The weekend is a conference to help strengthen creative thinking for artists, musicians, writers and actors) as well as others who wish to learn and network skills to improve personal creativity.

More than 60 different workshops are scheduled. Sessions range from instruction in fundamental creativity techniques to whimsical meetings that are designed to be thought provoking and just plain fun. Topics include “A Basic Introduction to Creativity”, “The Creative Couch Disney Style”, “Teaching Children How to Think”, “Differentiating Products and Services from Competition”, “DeBono’s Deliberate Creativity” and a look into the “World of Theatre.”

Sessions on the campus of the University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee will be on March 1 and 2, and in downtown Sarasota on March 3.

The conference is open to the public.

For information call 941-504- 4112


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