If you are in the market for vacant land in Rotonda West (not to be confused with Rotonda Lakes, Meadows, Sands or Villas), this is an excellent time to buy.
There are currently 414 standard building lots available for sale in Rotonda West. The lowest asking price is $49,000 for a lot in Oakland Hills section. In the newer sections the asking price is higher… up to $250,000. The mendian price for all of Rotonda West is now $104,000.
In the past 90 days only 14 sales of vacant land in Rotonda West have been registered in the Englewood Area MLS. The low sale price was $80,000 with a high of $132,000. The median was $92,000.
Sales are slow and many sellers are willing to negotiate. If you are interested in purchasing land in Rotonda, please call Andy (941-662-0033) or Jim (941-456-3034) for a personal consultation.
Selling homes and land in Rotonda (Rotunda), your Suncoasteam, Andy Leonard and Jim Mulligan